Ayurveda & Detoxification

Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to India, which uses a range of treatments, including Panchakarma ('5 actions '), yoga, massage, acupuncture and Herbal medicine, to encourage health and wellbeing.

Diagnosis :

The most common techniques of diagnosing an illness in the Ayurvedic system are Naadi Pariksha and Ashtavidha Pariksha. Naadi Pariksha translates to checking the pulse, whereas Ashtavidha Pariksha is more elaborate and involves checking the pulse, urine, faeces, tongue, voice, skin, eyes, and overall body appearance. A knowledgeable and well-trained Ayurveda practitioner can determine the underlying condition using these methods.

It helps understand an individual's basic physiological and psychological makeup, providing insight into the dosha imbalance

Treatment :

Your Ayurveda practitioner will consider your symptoms, Nadi pariksha, dominant dosha and overall constitution to create a tailored treatment for you. Then, the practitioner will prescribe herbal remedies, diet, exercise, and certain lifestyle adjustments to start the healing process and effect positive changes in your body.

It's a misconception that Ayurvedic treatments cannot work alongside modern therapies. If your doctor allows, you can seek Ayurvedic treatments in a supplementary manner to expedite healing and recovery.

Detoxification :

Detoxification refers to the Physiological or medical removal of Toxic substances from the body. One can Detoxify their body from Drugs or Alcohol. If your body habituated to substance abuse for a long time, Detoxification, done by Experts, will help you flush all the Toxins out of your body. You can identify your need for Detoxification, if you have Constipation for a long period of time, food allergies, Persistence Headache, muscle aches and muscle fatigues, skin abnormalities like acne or rosacea as well as hormonal imbalances. Detoxification treatment will purify your body of the harmful substances in your body and make it healthy. You can carry out detoxification at home by some simple home remedies

Detoxification is not an end in itself, however a transitional state among reliance and restraint or decreased use. It is a harmony between the substance client's needs and inclination, decision of medicine, strategies for organization, and the force of key working and psychosocial programs.